Web Fundamentals
7 implementations of modern production-ready designs using vanilla HTML & SCSS.
The designs were sourced from frontendmentors.io.
https://www.andreitihoan.com/single_page_html_projectsConnect Four Game
A responsive, JavaScript-heavy web game I made to develop my understanding of browser-side JavaScript. Ensured full functionality and an optimal user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
https://github.com/AndreiTih/andrei-tihoan-homepage/tree/gh-pages/connect_fourFull Stack Projects
Interactive Comment Section
All comments are stored in a MySQL database.
Upon request, the server renders the HTML and serves it to the browser.
Hosted on a VPS from hostinger.co.uk.
Deployed using pm2.
SAAS project (W.I.P)
A portfolio page builder: portfolio.fit.
Built using a modern frontend stack.
Made for professionals that want to display their
work online. The user chooses a template, and their portfolio
is hosted under a personal http link.
Systems programming
Bootable Hello World
A project that compiles to a .iso image with the machine code necessary to boot off the BIOS and print a simple string on the screen. A simple but exciting way to learn more about how computers work.
Browse my article discussing this project.
https://github.com/AndreiTih/bios_bootableAgent Jump
A game written in C++ that is a clone of the well-known Doodle Jump mobile game.
Written using Sumo Digital Academy's playbuffer
framework. A good exercise in memory management and
code optimization.